Where can I find shell service in Net:SSH?
It is described at
The problem is there is no methods “shell” anymore 
p Net::SSH.start(host, user).shell # => NoMethodError: undefined method
‘shell’ for #Net::SSH::Connection::Session:0x789538
Dnia 03-07-2009 o 14:52:09 Jaroslaw Z.
[email protected] napisał(a):
Where can I find shell service in Net:SSH?
It is described at http://net-ssh.rubyforge.org/ssh/v1/chapter-5.html#s3.
The problem is there is no methods “shell” anymore 
p Net::SSH.start(host, user).shell # => NoMethodError: undefined method
‘shell’ for #Net::SSH::Connection::Session:0x789538
I found that this problem is in Net::SHH 2.x. Why shell service was
dropped? Is there any other way to use it in Net::SSH 2.x? I need to
context of shell commands. E.g. cd /blah and then ls -l should be in
/blah. I do not want to have one stupid and long command only. It is a