Those are my very first steps in Ruby. I wrote a small ruby program
which sends messages to client desktops in the same local network.
Basically, I ssh to each machine and execute a call to zenity to bring
up a GTK dialog with a custom message. Everything works fine, which was
unexpected by itself :-). The important piece of code here is:
Net::SSH.start( host,‘root’,rootpwd ) do |session|
session.open_channel do |channel|
channel.on_success do
#some unimportant things here
channel.send_data “zenity --title ‘IMPORTANT’ --info
–text ‘#{msg}’ &\n”
channel.send_request “shell”, nil, true
Now, to the question. By default some zenity options allow user input
which is directly sent to stdout. E.g. (directly copied from man page)
- zenity --title “Select Host” --entry --text “Select the host you
would like to flood-ping”
How can I capture the user input in this case? I tried unsuccessfully
to find something in the net/ssh documentation but I am lost in the
And one more question. As you noticed I run zenity in the background.
This is because if the user does not respod to the message (clicks OL,
etc…) zenity (and the ruby scirpt) just hangs and waits. Can I set a
timeout from within Ruby and close the channel after the timeout
expires? Of course I can always do it in bash:
expect -c "set timeout 30; eval spawn -noecho zenity … ; expect
but I would really prefer to do it from Ruby. In this way I can
distinguish a real timeout from a user action which did not result in
anything sent to stdout.
Thanks in advance.