I am not sure if I’ve properly understood things correctly but…
I am trying to emulate sample code in the RDOC’s of ruby core.
can some one assist?
Error is…
./barcode_class_rpt_email.rb:199:in `send_email’: wrong number of
arguments (5 for 4) (ArgumentError)
code that generate this is this…
require ‘sendemail’
def init
@email = Sendemail.new
lots of code between and in a fxruby class (don’t know if this is an
198 uname.each do |receipiant|
199 @email.send_email(@sender,receipiant, ‘Automatic Patrol
Report’, @msg, @server)
the called script (it is referenced correctly).
require ‘net/smtp’
class Sendemail
def send_email(from, to, subject, message, server)
Net::SMTP.start("#{server}", 25) do |smtp|
smtp.set_debug_output $stdout
smtp.open_message_stream("#{from}", "#{to}") do |f|
f.puts "From: #{from}"
f.puts "To: #{to}"
f.puts "Subject: #{subject}"
f.puts "#{message}"
#test code for the class commented out when trying to use within project
a = Sendemail.new
a.send_email “isp.email.address”, “[email protected]”, “test”, “a
message”, “smtp.isp.mail.server”
I have changed the calling code (shown again below)
@email.send_email(@sender,receipiant, ‘Automatic Patrol Report’, @msg,
to code below thinking the code below will fix things to no avail.
@email.send_email("#{@sender}","#{receipiant}", “Automatic Patrol
Report”, “#{@msg}”, “#{@server}”)
Why? I am sending across 5 parameters, see the test case above it works!
it I for go 1 parameter then it works, but which one do I loose and why
that one?
I want the class to be as dynamic as possible so I can “just” call it
into another project I want to send emails out from.
any help appreciated.