
I am not sure if I’ve properly understood things correctly but…

I am trying to emulate sample code in the RDOC’s of ruby core.
can some one assist?

Error is…
./barcode_class_rpt_email.rb:199:in `send_email’: wrong number of
arguments (5 for 4) (ArgumentError)

code that generate this is this…

require ‘sendemail’

def init
@email =

lots of code between and in a fxruby class (don’t know if this is an

198 uname.each do |receipiant|
199 @email.send_email(@sender,receipiant, ‘Automatic Patrol
Report’, @msg, @server)

the called script (it is referenced correctly).


require ‘net/smtp’

class Sendemail
def send_email(from, to, subject, message, server)

  Net::SMTP.start("#{server}", 25) do |smtp|
    smtp.set_debug_output $stdout

    smtp.open_message_stream("#{from}", "#{to}") do |f|
      f.puts "From: #{from}"
      f.puts "To: #{to}"
      f.puts "Subject: #{subject}"
      f.puts "#{message}"


#test code for the class commented out when trying to use within project
a =

a.send_email “”, “[email protected]”, “test”, “a
message”, “smtp.isp.mail.server”


I have changed the calling code (shown again below)
@email.send_email(@sender,receipiant, ‘Automatic Patrol Report’, @msg,

to code below thinking the code below will fix things to no avail.
@email.send_email("#{@sender}","#{receipiant}", “Automatic Patrol
Report”, “#{@msg}”, “#{@server}”)

Why? I am sending across 5 parameters, see the test case above it works!
it I for go 1 parameter then it works, but which one do I loose and why
that one?

I want the class to be as dynamic as possible so I can “just” call it
into another project I want to send emails out from.

any help appreciated.


When I send mail using Ruby, I use Pony.


require ‘pony’
Pony.mail(:to => ‘[email protected]’, :from => ‘[email protected]’, :subject
=> ‘Hello’)

Also permits to connect to an smtp server.

thanks MRZombie,

Will look into this.

still have you any ideas why I have my current problem thou?

MrZombie wrote:

When I send mail using Ruby, I use Pony.


require ‘pony’
Pony.mail(:to => ‘[email protected]’, :from => ‘[email protected]’, :subject
=> ‘Hello’)

Also permits to connect to an smtp server.

update to the issue.

Have tried code sample posted at this url

and still get my error!!!

now can anyone explain to me why this issue is happening?

I have my fox class app.

my email class being required into it.
a module being required into it also.

in the init of my fox class i have…

@email =

but when ever I edit the script it seems not to reflect in my execution
(eg i’ve commented out ALL references to require net/smtp, Net::SMTP
code but i still get an error relating to 5 parameters passed when only
4 are required.

this is strange (unless is the GC not clearing out the last run of my