Net::SCP download from windows to linux and encrypt password

I am using Net::SCP to download/upload file. I am doing like this…

require ‘net/scp’
session = Net::SCP.start(“”, “username”, :password =>
“password”, :config => false)! “/tmp/test.txt”, “/root/”

It works well when the source machine is linux and path is like
“/tmp/test.txt”. What if the source machine is Windows? My path would be
something like “C:\temp\test.txt” but it does not work. It throws error
“No such file or directory”. Any idea how can I do that?

Also, the password I give in the start function above is in plain text.
How can I encrypt it and pass it with the function?

Thanks much,

On Jun 29, 2010, at 5:03 AM, Kalpesh P. wrote:

“/tmp/test.txt”. What if the source machine is Windows? My path would be
something like “C:\temp\test.txt” but it does not work. It throws error
“No such file or directory”. Any idea how can I do that?

Check out Tempfile:

