Net::HTTP URI.parse

HI All,

i am new to ROR

i am writing Ruby code for calling API blogs

i have written ruby code for

creating a attachment xml by

require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’

url = URI.parse(‘https://localhost:3000/api/attachment/create.xml’)
req =
req.basic_auth ‘a’, ‘a’

res =, url.port).start {|http|

case res
when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
puts res.body

Actually this works fine wth http protocol,

My site is hosted in https protocol, can https protocol can be used in
the below format. if i try to convert this kind of URL i get a error

SocketError: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution

plz help me in this

On Jan 8, 7:31am, Sasi [email protected] wrote:

Actually this works fine wth http protocol,

My site is hosted in https protocol, can https protocol can be used in
the below format. if i try to convert this kind of URL i get a error

SocketError: getaddrinfo: Temporary failure in name resolution

You need to requrire net/https for https to work although I wouldn’t
have thought it would fail like this.


ya ur right ,… nw it worked… thanks for ur quick reply :slight_smile:

On Jan 8, 1:57pm, Frederick C. [email protected]