Net::HTTP.post_form issue

Dear all,

I’m a newbie and have been looking for a solution regarding the
following issue:
I’m trying to get the results from the page and looking at the source of
page I have the following information:

. . . . . There is no query string such as ...asp?id=blabla&something=blabla, so I need to simply pass the value I wish to post such as "0000059" into that hidden field and get the results bypassing the click on the button! Is this possible? I have tried a simple code and What didn't work is that it's not displaying the results based on the query as if it didn't submit the id for the hidden field in the input form!:

require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’
res = Net::HTTP.post_form URI.parse(‘
daftarbi.asp’),{“txtSub” => “0000059”}
case res
when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPRedirection
puts res.body

Kindly correct me If I’m wrong

Appreciate any help


On Mar 9, 2:41 am, “coosa” [email protected] wrote:

hidden field and get the results bypassing the click on the button!
Is this possible? I have tried a simple code and What didn’t work is
that it’s not displaying the results based on the
query as if it didn’t submit the id for the hidden field in the input

require ‘net/http’
require ‘uri’
res = Net::HTTP.post_form URI.parse(‘
daftarbi.asp’),{“txtSub” => “0000059”}
I have also tried on “txtIC” instead of “txtSub” and both don’t
display the resulst; is it perhaps because the POST called the
javascript function “Submitted()”?