returning post data from postgres jsonb
@post = {:id=>1, :data=>{“tags”=>“tag1”, “title”=>“test”}}
<%= post[:data] %>
==> {"tags"=>"tag1", "title"=>"test"} correct
<%= post[:data][:title] %>
==> error
any help ? thks
returning post data from postgres jsonb
@post = {:id=>1, :data=>{“tags”=>“tag1”, “title”=>“test”}}
any help ? thks
Emply Prep wrote in post #1176161:
returning post data from postgres jsonb
==> 1 ==> works
@post = {:id=>1, :data=>{“tags”=>“tag1”, “title”=>“test”}}<%= post[:data] %>
==> {"tags"=>"tag1", "title"=>"test"} correct
<%= post[:data][:title] %>
==> error
any help ? thks
Thks - worked!
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