Hi folks,
I’m using rails-1.2.2 and have run into unexpected behavior with
has_many :through.
I get a SQL exception reporting the use of an unknown column when I
use has_many :through to navigate thusly: Project → BacklogItems →
BacklogTask → TimeEstimates.
It looks like rails omits a required join and somehow comes to believe
that it can navigate from a BacklogTask directly to a product.
The following code is available at Parked at Loopia for
those of you who prefer syntax-highlighting:
Product.find(:first).hours() generates this error:
#Exception: SQLite3::SQLException: no such column:
backlog_tasks.product_id: SELECT time_estimates.* FROM time_estimates
INNER JOIN backlog_tasks ON time_estimates.backlog_task_id =
backlog_tasks.id WHERE ((backlog_tasks.product_id = 1))
class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :backlog_items, :dependent => :destroy,
:order => :name
has_many :backlog_tasks, :through => :backlog_items
has_many :time_estimates, :through => :backlog_tasks
def hours(at = Time.now)
time_estimates.sum(:hours, :conditions =>
[“time_estimates.created_at <= ?”, at])
class BacklogItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product
has_many :backlog_tasks, :dependent => :destroy,
:order => :name
has_many :time_estimates, :through => :backlog_tasks
class BacklogTask < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :backlog_item
has_many :time_estimates, :dependent => :destroy,
:order => :created_at
class TimeEstimate < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :backlog_task
It doesn’t seem to be adapter-specific; I tried with PostgreSQL and
had the same problem, namely that rails appears to omit a required
My guess is that you just can’t use has_many :through this way? I’m
hoping I’ve just missed something that’ll be obvious to fresh eyes.