Nested controllers problem in production env

Hi people,

I’m using nested controllers in my dev env without any problems.

Well… I’ve got a controller which is a nested controller of

class Customerbackend::AdvertisementController < ApplicationController
layout “Customerbackend”

so… my AdvertisementController used the layout of Customerbackend… so
far no problem. The AdvertisementController works like a charm in dev

I’m opening the controller with a link_to method like this:

<%= link_to ‘Anzeigenverwaltung’, :controller =>
‘/customerbackend/advertisement’, :action => ‘listAdvertisements’%>

On my production server I’m getting the following error when I try to
access it :

Processing AdvertisementController#listAdvertisements (for
at 2007-11-12 12:39:55) [GET]
Session ID: b9ef65c1265a02809b583c0133183407
Parameters: {“format”=>“jpg”, “action”=>“listAdvertisements”,
“id”=>“404”, “controller”=>"/customerbackend/advertisement"}

ActionController::MissingTemplate (Missing layout

The curious thing is that rails tries to call Customerbackend.rhtml
instread customerbackend.rhtml which does exist !!

Does anyone have a solution to my problem ?? What am I doing wrong ??


On 12 Nov 2007, at 11:49, Alexander Bierbrauer wrote:

class Customerbackend::AdvertisementController < ApplicationController
layout “Customerbackend”


ActionController::MissingTemplate (Missing layout

The curious thing is that rails tries to call Customerbackend.rhtml
instread customerbackend.rhtml which does exist !!

because you told it that the layout was Customerbackend not
customerbackend ? I’m guessing that in development you’re using a mac
or windows so filenames are case-insenstive, but when you deploy on a
linux box then suddenly case matters.


ass Customerbackend::AdvertisementController < ApplicationController

because you told it that the layout was Customerbackend not
customerbackend ? I’m guessing that in development you’re using a mac
or windows so filenames are case-insenstive, but when you deploy on a
linux box then suddenly case matters.

Thank you man !!! I thought MAC uses case-sensitive files too… my


Hi again,

well changing the filename from my previous post works like a charm…
but now I’ve got another problem… 'cause my nested controller doesn’t
get called. I’m getting a 404 error… my production.log tells me the

Processing CustomerbackendController#advertisement (for at
2007-11-12 16:41:05) [GET]
Session ID: 5a04b66b8ec84b845587f7384ff62247
Parameters: {“action”=>“advertisement”, “id”=>“listAdvertisements”,

ActionController::UnknownAction (No action responded to advertisement):

I’m using the following link_to to access my controller:

<%= link_to ‘Anzeigenverwaltung’, :controller =>
‘/customerbackend/advertisement’, :action => ‘listAdvertisements’%>

damn… why does it work in my development environment but not in the
production env ??


Are the .rb files containing the controllers or the various folders
all named with the correct case?


my folder layout looks like this:


And here’ the names of my controllers:

CustomerbackendController < ApplicationController
Customerbackend::AdvertisementController < ApplicationController
AdminController < ApplicationController
Admin::AdvertisementController < ApplicationController

So… do you see my error ??


On 12 Nov 2007, at 15:46, Alexander Bierbrauer wrote: at
2007-11-12 16:41:05) [GET]
Session ID: 5a04b66b8ec84b845587f7384ff62247
Parameters: {“action”=>“advertisement”, “id”=>“listAdvertisements”,

Are the .rb files containing the controllers or the various folders
all named with the correct case?

On 12 Nov 2007, at 18:54, Alexander Bierbrauer wrote:


I’m not sure why this works in development: how is it suppose to
customerbackend/advertisement (calling the advertisement action of the
customerbackend controller)
customerbackend/advertisement (calling the index action of

you should pick your names so that they don’t clash like this.



I found the solution… just adding the following route:

map.connect ‘:controller/:action/’