Need to Sort Array of Hashes using multiple keys

I have an array of hashes that makes up a table that isn’t associated
with a Model. Each Hash is a represents a column.

For instance the Array would be setup as follows:
rows << {:name => row_name, :status => row_status, :date => row_date }

If I needed to sort by “:name” then “:date” then “:status”. How would
I do that?


I figured it out:

Sort by 1 Column:
sorted_rows = rows.sort { |a,b| a[col_1] <=> b[col_1] }

Sort by 2 Columns:
sorted_rows = rows.sort { |a,b| a[col_1] == b[col_1]? a[col_2] <=>
b[col_2] : a[col_1] <=> b[col_1] }

Sort by 3 Columns:
sorted_rows = rows.sort { |a,b| a[col_1] == b[col_1]? ( a[col_2] ==
b[col_2]? a[col_3] <=> b[col_3] : a[col_2] <=> b[col_2] ) : b[col_1]
<=> a[col_1] }

Where ‘col_1’ ‘col_2’ and ‘col_3’ are the hash keys that represent the