I want to create an application which needs to provide SOAP services to
multiple applications, I have googled and found that no plugins/gem were
available to create soap web services except the wash_out gem for Rails
Also I am not sure whether it is good to go with the wash_out gem, and I
don’t want waste my time to do more R&D on this.
If Rails is not supporting Soap web Services, please give me some
suggestions to make it happen, because there is no way for me to go for
other frameworks, since my application was already implemented on Rails
with more functionality.
Thanks Javier, Looks like the Savon is only to consume SOAP service, but
want to create SOAP Service for other application to use (i.e Need to
create SOAP Server for Clients)
On Wednesday, June 13, 2012 10:36:56 AM UTC-7, Loganathan Sellappa
other frameworks, since my application was already implemented on Rails 3.2
with more functionality.
At the first level of abstraction, SOAP is just fancy XML, and so you
just use the XML rendering stuff, maybe in conjunction with ERB, and
it with Nokogiri and friends.
That said, when I hear someone talk about ‘SOAP web services’, they
mean some part of the whole set of standards layered on top of it: WSDL,
WS-Security, SAML, and so forth, in some combination. So you may need
clarify requirements with your customer here - how much SOAP do they
want, why do they want a SOAP API instead of a more modern, simpler, but
perhaps less buzzwordy REST API, etc.
If they really want all the above, and you can’t find good Ruby
implementations to use, you may be faced with building a translation
in Java or .NET. Expose a REST API from your Rails code, have your Java
.NET code consume it and expose it as SOAP. Not ideal, but probably
than trying to implement the SOAP standards stack in Ruby.