Need to add path to routes.rb

Dear Folks,

I am Web developer and have experience mainly with the Django Web
framework for Python and wish to learn ROR.

I am currently using Rails 3.0.3 and was getting a routing error
whenever I added a view to a controller until I found out I had to add
the path to the routes.rb file under the config directory.

Is this new in Rails 3? I am asking this because I was following the
example in “Agile Web D. with Rails 3rd Edition” which uses
Rails 2 and getting the routing error.

I also find that if use the “rails generate” command the routes.rb file
is automatically updated. Does this mean that the proper way to create
views and controllers is to use the above command.

If so how do I create a view function in an existing controller without
having it being overwritten or is the manual way the only way to do

I hope that is clear.


depends on your requirement use “collection” or “member” in your route.


On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Nandakumar Chandrasekhar <

On 7 December 2010 09:57, Nandakumar Chandrasekhar
[email protected] wrote:

example in “Agile Web D. with Rails 3rd Edition” which uses
Rails 2 and getting the routing error.

You are liable to run into a lot of problems if the version of rails
you are using is not close to that of your tutorial. You could have a
look at with has a good rails 3 tutorial. It is
free to work through online, or pay for the book I think.

Also work through the Rails Guides, starting with Getting Started of

I also find that if use the “rails generate” command the routes.rb file
is automatically updated. Does this mean that the proper way to create
views and controllers is to use the above command.

For beginners at least probably yes.

If so how do I create a view function in an existing controller without
having it being overwritten or is the manual way the only way to do

You can only use the generators the first time, then it is up to you.
