this cannot work. First of all, to_num() is an instance method and not a
class method. You cannot call it on Num, but you’d have to create an
instance first and then call it on this object. Secondly, the method
doesn’t take a block, so the {|c| print c} is useless code. And the
method itself also looks strange. You keep overwriting the “c” variable
with completely different objects, I’m not even sure what will happen.
And the regex syntax is wrong.
So you want to put a “0” after each consonant? Then simply use
str = ‘Wow! Look at this get a number after each letter!’
puts str.gsub(/(?<=[bcdfghj-np-tvwxz])/i, ‘0’)
Also note that your regexp won’t work as you expected. To match a
other than those included in a list, you need to put a ^ at the
beginning of
the list:
if c =~ /[^aeiou]/
This matches any character that’s not a vowel, for example digits or
special chars $, !, %, … or whitespace etc.
If you want consonants, you either have to explictly write them down
(like I did in the previous post) or use the intersection of all
alphabetic characters [a-z] with the non-vowels [^aeiou]:
consonants = /[a-z&&[^aeiou]]/i
But since this syntax isn’t well-known, I’d probably just write down the
That’s because to_num is an instance method (that is, a method defined
instances of class Num) rather than a method of the class itself. You
solve the problem in two ways:
create an instance of num and call its to_num method:
n =
define to_num as a class method:
class Num
def self.to_num #note the self!
Also note that your regexp won’t work as you expected. To match a
other than those included in a list, you need to put a ^ at the
beginning of
the list:
if c =~ /[^aeiou]/
I think you misunderstand how methods and blocks work. You continue to
write a block after the method calls, but your method doesn’t use blocks
(there’s no “yield”). So all the “print c” and “num_string += c” etc. is
simply ignored. It has no effect at all.
What your method does is return the result of the conversion. So you can
output the return value, store it in a variable etc.:
num =
convert to num
num_converted = num.to_num(“Wow! Look at this get converted to Num!”)
puts num_converted
Of course you could use blocks, but then you’d have to define your
method accordingly. Judging from your examples, it seems you want to
pass the conversion result to the block:
class Num
def to_num( string )
res = string.gsub( /(?<=[bcdfghj-np-tvwxz])/i, ‘0’ )
yield res if block_given? # pass result to block (if there is one)
def to_english( num_string )
res = num_string.gsub( /[0]/, ‘’ )
yield res if block_given? # pass result to block (if there is one)
num =
num.to_num( “Wow! Look at this get converted to Num!” ) do |result|
puts result
end #----------------------------------
However, I can’t see any use for this block variant, because the method
doesn’t do anything useful with the block. So I’d simply return the
value like above and not use blocks.