Hi there,
thanks to the help of y’all (you all) in the mailing list, our site is
coming along nicely…
but we need more bleeding edgers (beta testers) to post tiles to the
blogsaic at
in the last few days we added a rating system, and have tweaked the
to be sorted by most viewed, most visited and highest rating tiles,
some upcoming features, are the obligatory comments and tags, plus soon
come will be tile trading and promoting features…
*if there are any features on the website you like, I am only to happy
email you parts of the code, it’s the only way I can help, and we all
to give back to the rails/ruby community, other than having DHH’s babies
in a few months I plan on releasing the entire sites code via svn…but
haven’t yet as I am too embarrassed to let people see under the hood,
because my ruby/rails code is very ugly as a result of spending too much
time coding opengl in delphi
if you want to get traffic to your own project, post a tile now as,
adopters are most likely to rank highest as the user base builds up…
use the feedback to request features…I can’t see the forest for the
so I don’t really know what sucks and whats nice to use…so let me
know, I
know the tile uploading pages needs a good make over…has anyone got
good ideas…
cheers for your support
view, visit, vote