i’m new at ruby on rails…
first i have a table with a column named status(this column use to store
a status of an access point (“online” or “offline”) after my application
have done pinging the access point)
i use a net-ping library…
how can i update the data in column status “automatically”.
can somebody explain this code?
@nodestat = Node.all.map do |node|{
:Status => PingExternal.new(node.ipadd)? "Online" : "Offline"}
Few things come to mind here.
I’ve done this exact app before.
I keep my devices in a table. The Rails app just displays the
from the table. A background daemon does the actual monitoring.
I get alot more details in my version, including mapping what mac/ip
address are on
which switch port, and using SNMP to the switch to do discovery of
The moral of this is break you ping into a separate process/task. Then
poll yours AP’s
and update there status with ActiveRecord.
If you need some help, I can certainly give you some pointers.
glennswest at yahoo dot com dot sg
On Apr 7, 10:31 am, Junior Junior wangsa <rails-mailing-l…@andreas-
@nodestat = Node.all.map do |node|{
:Status => PingExternal.new(node.ipadd)? "Online" : "Offline"}
A brief overview of the docs (and general convention) suggests that
PingExternal.new doesn’t do a ping, it just creates a pinger object -
all you are testing is whether that new object was nil or not.