Need help

So, I have been out of the rails loop for a little bit, and I’m not sure
the best “rails way” to do this. I have two objects. ObjectA has_many
:object_bs, and ObjectB belongs_to :object_a

In my controller I am trying to do basic CRUD operations. In my view I
have all the attributes of both ObjectA and ObjectB. So saying that
ObjectA has a name and id, and ObjectB has a kind and id and

Basically what I want to do is

@a =[:object_a]), but when I do that I get an
undefined method because there are fields for a different object. What I
was doing is making a new_thing method which takes the params and goes
through each one and pulls out the ObjectA attributes and uses those,
then @a.object_bs << param stuff).

I know there is a better way, I just need help learning what the is.

Thanks in advance, sorry if it is confusing.


Jeremy W. wrote:

So, I have been out of the rails loop for a little bit, and I’m not sure
the best “rails way” to do this. I have two objects. ObjectA has_many
:object_bs, and ObjectB belongs_to :object_a

In my controller I am trying to do basic CRUD operations. In my view I
have all the attributes of both ObjectA and ObjectB. So saying that
ObjectA has a name and id, and ObjectB has a kind and id and

Basically what I want to do is

@a =[:object_a]), but when I do that I get an
undefined method because there are fields for a different object. What I
was doing is making a new_thing method which takes the params and goes
through each one and pulls out the ObjectA attributes and uses those,
then @a.object_bs << param stuff).

I know there is a better way, I just need help learning what the is.

Thanks in advance, sorry if it is confusing.


Here’s my take. First of all, you needn’t send either of the object ids
as parameters, as these are automatically taken care of by ActiveRecord.
And the object_a_id attribute of your ObjectB model can be taken care of
by creating it using the association.

That leaves us with ObjectB’s :kind attribute. I’m not perfectly sure if
this would work, but you may as well give it a shot and let me know.

In your ObjectA controller:

def create
@object_a = ObjectA.create(params[object_a])
# … (Various respond_to’s)

And in your ObjectA class:

class ObjectA
# I think that this will allow you store a value in the
# :kind attribute for this object while it exists in memory
# after being created by the controller. I could be mistaken.
attr_accessor :kind

# Standard AR callback
after_create :create_object_b

def create_object_b
  # Creating the object_b through the object_a will take
  # care of the has_many/belongs_to relationship.
  self.object_bs.create(:kind => self.kind)


Good luck.