Need help with running psexec with array

I’m trying to run commands on a remote machine via psexec. The issue
that I’m having is when grabbing the IP address from the array it wants
to put everything that follows on a separate line.

uName = “admin”
pWord = “1234”
ip = IO.readlines(“ipAddresses.txt”)

ip.each do |host|
puts “psexec \\#{host} -u #{uName} -p #{pWord} cmd”

the reply is

psexec \
-u admin -p 1234 cmd

is there a way to get that output on the same line so that psexec can
run properly with the system process. Or is there a better way to
approach this issue?


I did some more testing and I found the issue. It is with how the file
is being placed in the ip array.

How would you import each line of the ipAddress.txt file into a
different object in the array?

Christopher G. wrote in post #986599:

I did some more testing and I found the issue.
It is with how the file is being placed in the ip array.

Yes, you need to run String#chomp() on each item in the Array:

puts “psexec #{host.chomp} …”

That removes the newline character at the end of each item.