At this time i work with backend for my application. In the backend i
will provide for user the
ability to create and edit documents which contains images. According
to this goal i think about
- what is a good way to implement images uploading to server
according my needs (described below) - how to implement UI for this part of backend so that it was
convenient for user to upload images and
view/browse through previously uploaded images - how to implement images inserting into document (documents are
created using some free wisiwig editor)
This image illustrates how can backend look to me
Yesterday i tried the combination FileColumn + TinyMCE. I think, that
images will be stored on server in place
public/images/users/user_id/image_file1, image_file2 … and so on, so
that every user has its own folder with images.
I’ve played with FileColumn, and got this: when i upload file, its
stored in right place - public/images/users/user_id/
(for this i have to edit file_column.rb),
but when i upload next image, previous image is deleted. In sql table
“documents” i have 2 columns, “image” and “image1”,
so that there must be ability to store 2 images in user_id folder, and
the records in columns “image” and “image1”
must point to these images (if i understand the concept of FileColumn
And the problem with TinyMCE - user must provide URL (http://) to
image, user can’t point image “browse” way, as usual.
Therefore in backend i need to show images full URL, so user can copy
and paste it. This all seems to be a bad approach.
If you had similar goals and/or have experience how to achieve this, i
appreciate if you share your knowledge or
point me to article/design pattern related to my needs.
It would be good, if there is something like YUI , but which copes
well with the backend tasks.