Simply download it to your local drive… then do something like
cd /cygdrive/d/Downloads/
bash-3.2$ gem install Linguistics-1.0.5.gem
Successfully installed Linguistics-1.0.5
1 gem installed
Specifically, for this instance, it was done on Windows using my Cygwin
I have a problem with installing gem: linguistics.
sudo gem install linguistics
Gave me “not found” error. So I googled and found the source
The gem seems to be located at
I don’t know how I can install this gem.
I’m assuming you have RubyGems installed already. Just download
the .gem file and then use a terminal/console:
I opened up the directory “Linguistics-1.0.5.gem” and found two files
“metadata.tar.gz” and “data.gz”.
I extracted both archives, and "cd"ed to “data” directory.
I downloaded the “Linguistics-1.0.5.gem.tar” file on my desktop.
Then, I double-clicked and expanded and now there is a new directory
“Linguistics-1.0.5.gem” on my desktop.
Next, I launch Terminal and cd to desktop. cd ~/Desktop.
Then, I run
sudo gem install Linguistics-1.0.5.gem
The error I get is:
ERROR: could not find gem Linguistics-1.0.5.gem locally or in a
I wonder where gem is searching locally. I may need to place the .gem
directory somewhere specified.