[code]<Files *.htm>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteBase /
please use .php at url for admin
RewriteRule ^recent-articles-feed rss.php [NC]
RewriteRule ^rss/([^/]+) rss.php?q=$1 [NC]
To ignore htaccess - enlist here
RewriteCond $1
RewriteRule ^(.*) index.php [NC] [/code]
This is my htaccess content .
Posted at Nginx Forum:
maybe this helps as a start:
and you may want to read
since usage and order-of-procerssing is quite a little different
Posted at Nginx Forum:
2013/3/6 onel0ve [email protected]:
I just need to convert this to nginx rules .
I guess, the thing is, that you shall learn, how this can be achieved.
So you can do it on your own the next time.
In case you’ve tried it yet, it may be helpful to show your attempts.
Look, it seems that you want others to do your job. As far as I can
tell many people will refuse to do so.
So show some love and see what comes back 
On 6 March 2013 12:34, Andre J. [email protected]
2013/3/6 onel0ve [email protected]:
I just need to convert this to nginx rules .
I guess, the thing is, that you shall learn, how this can be achieved.
So you can do it on your own the next time.
In case you’ve tried it yet, it may be helpful to show your attempts.
Look, it seems that you want others to do your job. As far as I can
tell many people will refuse to do so.
So show some love and see what comes back 
+1. Show your working, show where you got stuck or what doesn’t work,
and you’ll find people are much more eager to help you 
Jonathan M. // Oxford, London, UK
CAn you just tell how to exclude a directory from nginx rules ? . I want
disable mod rewrite for one sub folder .
Posted at Nginx Forum:
I just need to convert this to nginx rules .
To ignore htaccess - enlist here
RewriteCond $1
Posted at Nginx Forum: