Need help on list update

In my application,I am showing list of items in one page and there will
be “Add” button to add new item. When i click that “add” button, i will
open up a small POPUP WINDOW, and i will enter details about the item to
be added(form page). What happens is, after adding an item,the popup
page shows the form page again (intentionally given) but it does not
show any response message like “Item is successfully added”. Item list
in the base page(main window)does not update the list automatically. I
had to refresh and view the updated list.

-----------controller for item creation---------
def create
@item =[“item”])

@item.user_id = @session['user'].id


  #TODO need to find out how to get params that in a array
    tag =[:tag]);

  print "*********\n "
  print tag.tagString
  print "\n*********** "

    tag.tagString.each(',') { |s| tmpTag = ;
                    tmpTag.tagString = s.chomp(",");;

    itemToTag =
itemToTag.item_id =;
        itemToTag.tag_id =;
  redirect_to :action => 'new'
  flash[:notice] = 'Item was successfully created.'
  render :action => 'new'


-----controller for showing list of items------------------------

def myItemList

@item_pages, @items = paginate :items, :per_page => 10 , :conditions
=> "user_id = " + @session[“user”].id.to_s
render :partial => ‘myitemList’

What i want is,

  1. when i add a new item in the popup, the base page should
    update its list with out refreshing the browser window.

  2. Popup window should display response text(response text will be in
    DIV tag)

How can i do that? Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

On 11/21/06, Ruby Q. [email protected] wrote:

In my application,I am showing list of items in one page and there will
be “Add” button to add new item. When i click that “add” button, i will
open up a small POPUP WINDOW, and i will enter details about the item to
be added(form page). What happens is, after adding an item,the popup
page shows the form page again (intentionally given) but it does not
show any response message like “Item is successfully added”. Item list
in the base page(main window)does not update the list automatically. I
had to refresh and view the updated list.

You could make your life times easier if you’d used HTML popups
instead of real windows. Real popup windows are not blocked by
browser, they exist in the same page and it is easy to do updates for
both page and popup.