Need a Software (S/W) professional with OS and Kernel level experience

Hello everyone,

We need a reasonably experienced Software (S/W) person (4+ experience
would be great) who has worked on OS and Kernel level issues or OS
specific S/W system integration for any type of application, protocol
codes or external S/W programs in general. It would be great if the
person has experience in Mobile Operating Systems - Linux, CE, OSX or
Symbian but if not, that’s not a barrier. Folks who have worked in S/W
system integration to OS or worked with some kernels to fix S/W or App
level issues should be able to do the job. The knowledge of working with
OS Kernels is important.

Experience with Bluetooth, WiFi protocols or any other Mobile protocol
is a great +

The requirement is urgent. Please let me know if you can help yourself
or can think of someone.

The position can be based around NYC, in the Bay Area or in India.

The compensation will be based out of Stocks initially (or some cash
component depending upon the expertise and implementation) - It could be
either a consulting assignment for a month or so OR an entrepreneurial
role as part of the founding team (the first task requires about a month
worth of effort - after which it will continue on an ongoing basis)

If you are on a job and looking to venture out, we would be willing to
work around your schedule.

Many thanks for your time

Sanjiv Rai
Founder and CEO