Nebular Gauntlet v0.2a

I am incredibly pleased to announce the second public release of Nebular
Gauntlet along with an update of the map editor. It’s been a couple
months since the last release and there have been a multitude of fixes
and features that have been added to the project. The month’s of work
have not, however, resulted in any increase of my artistic skill, so the
look of the project is still quite below par and should definitely not
be taken as a sign of the underlying code. Again, any feedback would be

Steven D.

Nebular Gauntlet v0.2a Release Notes

== What is Nebular Gauntlet? ==
Nebular Gauntlet is a 2D, top-down, asteroids inspired space shooter
that hopes
to show that Ruby really is a wonderful language for every application.

== Changes? ==
*Single Player mode introduced
*Loading/Saving of Single Player Games
*Entity loading from map file
*Map Editor fixes by the dozen
*Multiplayer fixes and small speedups
*General Cleanups including a move towards Ruby code conventions

== Dependencies ==
EventMachine => 0.5.4 (Not yet released, Multiplayer is unplayable)
Daemons for server_control.rb
QtRuby 1.4.6 for Map Editor

== Links: ==

== License ==
Nebular Gauntlet is licensed under the GPL v2.

== Copyright ==
(c) 2006 Steven D.