Paul Graham just released Arc (Arc's Out), a
lisp dialect with an emphasis on “quick-and-dirty” exploratory
programming, and compactness of code. One of the ideas he threw in
seems like it might fit well into Ruby too - when filtering functions
like keep and rem (select and reject) are given a value rather than a
function, they implicitly construct the equality function and pass
that in instead. The ruby equivalent would be to have select, reject,
partition, any? and all? (and possibly some others I’m overlooking) do
the following:
def select(arg, &blk)
if block_given?
old_select {|x| arg === x}
and likewise for the others
So we can write, for instance
ints = Integer
lcase = words.reject /[A-Z]/
and so on. What say you?
In message “Re: neat idea from arc”
on Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:07:31 +0900, “Martin DeMello”
[email protected] writes:
|So we can write, for instance
|ints = Integer
We can do it by using #grep, e.g.
ints = Integer
On 29.01.2008 23:07, Martin DeMello wrote:
def select(arg, &blk)
if block_given?
old_select {|x| arg === x}
You either need “*arg” or “arg = nil” because otherwise the method
cannot be invoked without arg. Here’s another way to write it:
module Enumerable
def select2(a = nil, &b)
select(&(b || lambda {|e| a === e}))
but I guess your variant is more efficient.
and likewise for the others
So we can write, for instance
ints = Integer
lcase = words.reject /[A-Z]/
and so on. What say you?
Sounds good! Btw, there is already #grep which works like the new
#select with argument but I agree, the idea to put this in one method
sounds better.
Kind regards
On Wed, 30 Jan 2008 07:40:19 +0900, “Marcel Molina Jr.”
[email protected] wrote:
You can do that with grep.
[1, :foo].grep Fixnum
=> [1]
I suppose the reverse of this is a use case for having a Case::Not[] in
my case gem.
On Jan 29, 2008, at 4:07 PM, “Martin DeMello”
[email protected] wrote:
def select(arg, &blk)
ints = Integer
lcase = words.reject /[A-Z]/
and so on. What say you?
You can do that with grep.
[1, :foo].grep Fixnum
=> [1]
Marcel Molina Jr. wrote:
On Jan 29, 2008, at 4:07 PM, “Martin DeMello” [email protected]
So we can write, for instance
ints = Integer
You can do that with grep.
[1, :foo].grep Fixnum
=> [1]
Oh wow, I never knew you could do that. That means we can also do:
=> [2, 4]
But still, I think the point of the OP was that this idiom should also
be available for the other methods (reject, partition, any?, all? …)
Martin DeMello wrote:
Paul Graham just released Arc (Arc's Out), a
lisp dialect with an emphasis on “quick-and-dirty” exploratory
programming, and compactness of code. One of the ideas he threw in
seems like it might fit well into Ruby too - when filtering functions
like keep and rem (select and reject) are given a value rather than a
function, they implicitly construct the equality function and pass
that in instead. The ruby equivalent would be to have select, reject,
partition, any? and all? (and possibly some others I’m overlooking) do
the following:
Well … not sure about this relative to Ruby, but I must admit I’m a
bit disappointed in Arc itself. Sure, it’s a “dialect of Lisp”, but does
it differ enough from Scheme or Common Lisp in any practical way?
I think I’ll stick with Ruby. 
On Jan 30, 2008 3:52 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky [email protected]
Well … not sure about this relative to Ruby, but I must admit I’m a
bit disappointed in Arc itself. Sure, it’s a “dialect of Lisp”, but does
it differ enough from Scheme or Common Lisp in any practical way?
I think I’ll stick with Ruby. 
Same here. I was excited, but it doesn’t look all that special. Qi has
a lot more promise that way.
On Jan 29, 2008 10:24 PM, Yukihiro M. [email protected] wrote:
ints = Integer
I was thinking of this as a replacement for (and generalisation of)
grep, since it would extend to other methods like #reject and
#partition too
Well … not sure about this relative to Ruby, but I must admit I’m a
bit disappointed in Arc itself. Sure, it’s a “dialect of Lisp”, but does
it differ enough from Scheme or Common Lisp in any practical way?
It seems rather like a Scheme pre-compiler to handle some syntaxtic
sugar (e.g. for function composition etc.) that couldn’t be done with
macros alone. Strange … after all these years.
2008/1/30, Martin DeMello [email protected]:
I was thinking of this as a replacement for (and generalisation of)
grep, since it would extend to other methods like #reject and
#partition too
Martin, you can define
class Object
def to_proc
lambda {|e| self === e }
and then
[3,1,4,1,5].all?(&(1…5))) # => true