Hi all.
I’ve the following navbar on my site:
<div id=“nav”>
- <%= link_to “Home”, home_url
%> - <%= link_to “Link 1”, link1_url %>
- <%= link_to “Link 2”, link2_url %>
- <%= link_to “Link 3”, link3_url %>
- <%= link_to “Link 4”, link4_url %>
- <%= link_to “Link 5”, link5_url %>
My question is: what’s the best approach against id=“current”? I mean:
I want to my current controller to be the current “selected” item.
I was thinking about use something like my.url/?current=item_name and
an helper. So:
def output_li(name, current, &content)
 output = “<li”
 output = (name.to_upper == current.to_upper) ? ’ id=“current”’ : ‘’
 output = “>”
 output = yield
 output = “”
    <%= output_li "home", params[:current] { link_to "Home",
home_url(:current="home") } %>
    <%= output_li "link1", params[:current] { link_to "Link
1", link1_url(:current="link1") } %>
    <%= output_li "link2", params[:current] { link_to "Link
2", link2_url(:current="link2") } %>
    <%= output_li "link3", params[:current] { link_to "Link
3", link3_url(:current="link3") } %>
    <%= output_li "link4", params[:current] { link_to "Link
4", link4_url(:current="link4") } %>
    <%= output_li "link5", params[:current] { link_to "Link
5", link5_url(:current="link5") } %>
What about my solution? I believe that there is an best approach than
it, since I unfamiliar with “view logic”.
Sorry for my poor English.
Best regards,
davi vidal