NameError: uninitialized constant Krypt::Provider::JDK with JRuby 1.7.12

After upgrading JRuby to 1.7.12 I get

NameError: uninitialized constant Krypt::Provider::JDK

when starting my application in WAS.

I noticed the release notes said bouncy-castle-java and krypt libraries
were unbundled from 1.7.12. Not sure what this means. My application
runs OK using WEBrick so clearly this is a packaging issue with WAS.

I tried adding krypt-core gem to my bundle file and that caused Warbler
to error with the same error.

I copied the krypt-core.jdk and kryptproviderjdk.jdk files to my lib
directory but no luck, same error with Warbler.

Any other ideas?

did you use the krypt-0.0.2.rc1 gem and/or their jars ?

christian wrote in post #1144446:

did you use the krypt-0.0.2.rc1 gem and/or their jars ?

I’m not sure how I should know I NEED this version.

Adding krypt-core to my Gem file seemed to be the right thing to do
however it pulled down version 0.0.1. Adding 0.0.2.rc1 as a version
didn’t even work. I had to uninstall everything and manually install the
0.0.2.rc1 versions of krypt-core and krypt-provider-jdk using gem
install. Once I did that, Warbler worked and the WAR file started
successfully in WAS.

Thanks for your help.

to see the default gems of jruby itself I use this:

GEM_PATH=bla jruby -S gem list -l

since these gems are “already” installed bundler does not install them.