Name correspondence

The proposed Ruby Package Standard states:

File names and directory structure SHOULD correspond like this:

Library: foo-bar
Directory: lib/foo/bar
Namespace: Foo::Bar

Library: foo_bar
Directory: lib/foo_bar
Namespace: FooBar

That being the case I think Ruby needs to include methods to make it
easy to translate between these. In ActiveSupport these methods are
String#pathize and String#methodize. I would think there would also be
something like String#modulize.

Without such methods I think it is a bit much to ask of developers to
keep this correspondence. I have code that needs to do such
translations dynamically and because Ruby does not have such methods,
I used a FooBar -> foobar.rb correspondence instead (easily
transformed via #downcase). A fact that has led me to generally use
this correspondence throughout all my projects.

I’m all for the proposed standard, but Ruby needs to support it too.

Thomas S. wrote:

Library: foo-bar
Directory: lib/foo/bar
Namespace: Foo::Bar

Library: foo_bar
Directory: lib/foo_bar
Namespace: FooBar

That being the case I think Ruby needs to include methods to make it
easy to translate between these. In ActiveSupport these methods are
String#pathize and String#methodize. I would think there would also be
something like String#modulize.

Perhaps you’re thinking of camelize and underscore in

# Examples:
#   "active_record".camelize                # => "ActiveRecord"
#   "active_record".camelize(:lower)        # => "activeRecord"
#   "active_record/errors".camelize         # => 

# “active_record/errors”.camelize(:lower) # =>

# Examples:
#   "ActiveRecord".underscore         # => "active_record"
#   "ActiveRecord::Errors".underscore # => active_record/errors

Each of these methods is only a few lines. I’ve seen them copy-pasted in
several projects…

On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 6:25 AM, Brian C. [email protected]

easy to translate between these. In ActiveSupport these methods are

“active_record/errors”.camelize(:lower) # =>



“ActiveRecord”.underscore # => “active_record”

“ActiveRecord::Errors”.underscore # => active_record/errors

Each of these methods is only a few lines. I’ve seen them copy-pasted in
several projects…

There’s also constantize

ruby-1.8.7-p173 > “ActiveRecord”.constantize
=> ActiveRecord
ruby-1.8.7-p173 > “active_record”.camelize.constantize
=> ActiveRecord
ruby-1.8.7-p173 > “ActiveRecord::Errors”.constantize
=> ActiveRecord::Errors

Also a few lines of code, although there are two versions one for Ruby
1.9.2 because of changes to Module#const_get

Rick DeNatale

Github: rubyredrick (Rick DeNatale) · GitHub
Twitter: @RickDeNatale

On Jul 5, 6:25 am, Brian C. [email protected] wrote:

easy to translate between these. In ActiveSupport these methods are
String#pathize and String#methodize. I would think there would also be
something like String#modulize.

Perhaps you’re thinking of camelize and underscore in

Oh? My bad, I thought it had #pathize and #methodize too.

#   "ActiveRecord::Errors".underscore # => active_record/errors

Each of these methods is only a few lines. I’ve seen them copy-pasted in
several projects…

In Facets those are #camelcase and #snakecase, but it also has the
other methods – No problem getting access to such methods. Just think
Ruby needs to support something along these lines out the box if the
correspondence should be considered a standard.