@nagachika will become the maintainer of 2.0.0 branch


I’m writing with regard to a maintainer of 2.0.0.

I’m a 2.0.0 release manager, and it will be released in ten days.
I think that I’m not good at a maintainer because I don’t have
perseverance and conscientiousness required by the job (and because
I’m not so interested in maintenance :slight_smile:

So I decided to hand over the ruby_2_0_0 branch maintenance task to
Tomoyuki C. (@nagachika). He and matz have already consented.

He is a crazy committer who has read all commits of trunk and written
the summary in his (Japanese) blog everyday since 2010. I think of
no one better suited to the task.

I leave the concrete maintenance policy up to @nagachika.


+1 Thanks for all of your hard work nagachika-san!

On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 02:12:01AM +0900, Yusuke E. wrote:

Tomoyuki C. (@nagachika). He and matz have already consented.

He is a crazy committer who has read all commits of trunk and written
the summary in his (Japanese) blog everyday since 2010. I think of
no one better suited to the task.

I leave the concrete maintenance policy up to @nagachika.

Congratulations @nagachika!


Japanese version follows; $BF|K\8l$O$"$H$G(B

Hello Rubyists.

Endoh-san, Thank you for introducing me and refer me as branch

As a 2.0.0 maintainer, I announce maintenance policy of ruby_2_0_0
There’s nothing new, similar to previous maintenance policies.

  • emphasize compatibility and stability.
    • Any new features will not be backported.
    • Bug fix will be backported.
      • Security related fixes have higher priority.

As we see in past days, there’s wide ambiguous cases between “new
feature” and “bug fix”.
I’ll consider about each borderline case with discussions. Please help
me :wink:
And I’m not sure about treatment of ‘experimental features’. We’ll
discuss about it in developer’s meeting in the next weekend. Any
comments are welcome.

  • Ticket driven backport
    • If you want some commits to be backported, please file a backport
      ticket in ruby200 project in redmine.
      Overview - Backport200 - Ruby Issue Tracking System
    • I’ll also file a ticket for backport commits even if I decide to
      backport by myself.
      However I’ll backport trivial changes such as cosmetic changes and
      fix typos without filing a ticket.

Please note that until Ruby 2.0.0 release, Endoh-san who is the release
makes decision of backport to ruby_2_0_0 branch.


$B$3$s$K$A$o!”$3$NEY(B 2.0.0 $B%V%i%s%A%a%s%F%J$r$9$k$3$H$K$J$C$?(B
nagachika $B$3$H6a1J$H?=$7$^$9!#(B


ruby_2_0_0 $B%V%i%s%A$N%a%s%F%J%s%9J}?K$K$D$$$F$^$H$a$^$7$?!#(B

$B!&(B $B8_49@-$H0BDj@-$r=E;k$7$^$9(B
$B!&(B $B?75!G=$O<h$j9~$^$l$^$;$s(B
$B!&(B $BIT6q9g=$@5$OH?1G$7$^$9!#FC$K@H<e@-BP:v$OM%@hE*$KBP=h$7$^$9(B

$B!&%P%C%/%]!<%H$7$?$$JQ99$,$"$l$P(B ruby200
Overview - Backport200 - Ruby Issue Tracking System

$B$J$*(B 2.0.0

2013/2/15 Yusuke E. [email protected]:

Japanese version follows; $BF|K\8l$O$"$H$G(B

Hello Rubyists.

Endoh-san, Thank you for introducing me and refer me as branch

As a 2.0.0 maintainer, I announce maintenance policy of ruby_2_0_0
There’s nothing new, similar to previous maintenance policies.

  • emphasize compatibility and stability.
    • Any new features will not be backported.
    • Bug fix will be backported.
      • Security related fixes have higher priority.

As we see in past days, there’s wide ambiguous cases between “new
feature” and “bug fix”.
I’ll consider about each borderline case with discussions. Please help
me :wink:
And I’m not sure about treatment of ‘experimental features’. We’ll
discuss about it in developer’s meeting in the next weekend. Any
comments are welcome.

  • Ticket driven backport
    • If you want some commits to be backported, please file a backport
      ticket in ruby200 project in redmine.
      Overview - Backport200 - Ruby Issue Tracking System
    • I’ll also file a ticket for backport commits even if I decide to
      backport by myself.
      However I’ll backport trivial changes such as cosmetic changes and
      fix typos without filing a ticket.

Please note that until Ruby 2.0.0 release, Endoh-san who is the release
makes decision of backport to ruby_2_0_0 branch.


$B$3$s$K$A$o!"$3$NEY(B 2.0.0 $B%V%i%s%A%a%s%F%J$r$9$k$3$H$K$J$C$?(B
nagachika $B$3$H6a1J$H?=$7$^$9!#(B


ruby_2_0_0 $B%V%i%s%A$N%a%s%F%J%s%9J}?K$K$D$$$F$^$H$a$^$7$?!#(B

$B!&(B $B8_49@-$H0BDj@-$r=E;k$7$^$9(B
$B!&(B $B?75!G=$O<h$j9~$^$l$^$;$s(B
$B!&(B $BIT6q9g=$@5$OH?1G$7$^$9!#FC$K@H<e@-BP:v$OM%@hE*$KBP=h$7$^$9(B

$B!&%P%C%/%]!<%H$7$?$$JQ99$,$"$l$P(B ruby200
Overview - Backport200 - Ruby Issue Tracking System

$B$J$*(B 2.0.0

2013/2/15 Yusuke E. [email protected]: