N210 Probe Problems

Hi All,

I have USRP N210 but I cannot probe it using usrp2_probe.

when I am trying capture packet, it is said “No USRPs found on interface
sudo usrp2_rx_cfile.py -f 944000000 test
Traceback (most recent call last):

  • File “/usr/local/bin/usrp2_rx_cfile.py”, line 139, in *
  • tb = rx_cfile_block(options, filename)*
  • File “/usr/local/bin/usrp2_rx_cfile.py”, line 47, in init*
  • self._u = usrp2.source_32fc(options.interface, options.mac_addr)*
  • File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gnuradio/usrp2.py”, line
    687, in source_32fc*
  • return _usrp2.source_32fc(ifc, mac)*
    RuntimeError: No USRPs found on interface eth0

When I am trying to burn the eeprome of USRP2, it’s failed also
*./usrp/firmware/src/usrp2/burn-usrp4-eeprom *
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]
usrper: failed to find usrp[0]

Can you share what should I do to fix this problem ?.
The IP Address of my N210 is
I am using gnuradio 3.3.0


Deddi Hp