N00b ? re: CGI Hash and arrays

Hi, n00b here, and got myself stumped on something I thought was easy.

I get CGI params returned as:

params: {“conf_mod”=>[“20”], “conf_impact”=>[“10”],
“avail_impact”=>[“5”], “integrity_impact”=>[“5”],
“authorization”=>[“5”], “integrity_mod”=>[“5”]}

I just want to add up the values in the hash keys. Seems simple, but an
hour or so later, after trying numerous things no go. Any help


require “cgi”

cgi = CGI.new(‘html4’)
values = cgi.params
#values.each_value { |y| total += (eval y.join(’+’)) }
#values.each_value { |x| total += x[0] }
#values.each_value do |v| puts v end
cgi.out() do
cgi.html() do
cgi.head{ cgi.title{“TITLE”} } +
cgi.body() do
cgi.pre() do
"params: " + cgi.params.inspect + “\n”
"total: " + puts(total) + “\n”

On May 2, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Jeff Leggett wrote:

hour or so later, after trying numerous things no go. Any help

So you want to end up with total == 50, right?

The values are arrays of strings, so you need to sum up the (single)
values after turning them to integers.

total = 0
values.each_value {|v| v.each {|s| total += s.to_i } }
puts “total: #{total}”

irb> total = 0
=> 0
irb> values.each_value {|v| v.each {|s| total += s.to_i } }
=> {“conf_mod”=>[“20”], “conf_impact”=>[“10”], “avail_impact”=>[“5”],
“integrity_impact”=>[“5”], “authorization”=>[“5”],
irb> puts “total: #{total}”
total: 50
=> nil


Rob B. http://agileconsultingllc.com
[email protected]

Jeff Leggett wrote:

Hi, n00b here, and got myself stumped on something I thought was easy.

I get CGI params returned as:

params: {“conf_mod”=>[“20”], “conf_impact”=>[“10”],
“avail_impact”=>[“5”], “integrity_impact”=>[“5”],
“authorization”=>[“5”], “integrity_mod”=>[“5”]}

I just want to add up the values in the hash keys.

The hash keys are the strings: “conf_mod”, “conf_impact”, etc. The hash
values are the arrays.

Seems simple, but an
hour or so later, after trying numerous things no go. Any help

params = {

total = 0

params.each do |key, val|
num_str = val[0]
num = num_str.to_i
total += num

puts total


What’s with inject?

params.inject(0) {|sum, (key, values)|
sum + values.inject(0) {|a, b| a + Integer(b)}

7stud – wrote:

params.each do |key, val|
num_str = val[0]
num = num_str.to_i
total += num

Once you understand that, you can make it briefer:

params.each do |key, val|
total += val[0].to_i

…however if it’s possible that the arrays can contain more than one
string, then you need to loop over each array too. As per Rob
Biedenharn’s solution:

params = {
“conf_mod”=>[“20”, “10”],
“avail_impact”=>[“5”, “10”], #<–xtra strings
“authorization”=>[“5”, “10”],

total = 0

params.each do |key, val|

val.each do |str|
total += str.to_i


puts total
