MySQL/Ruby Module

After downloading the mysql-ruby-2.8pre4 from
[]…I stuck it into

The instructions on MySQL/Ruby says I need to
run the command % ruby extconf.rb:

checking for main() in libmysql.lib… no

is the error that I get.

I need to access MySQL with Ruby, but I keep running into all sorts of

Thanks for the help!

On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Justin To [email protected] wrote:

I need to access MySQL with Ruby, but I keep running into all sorts of

You need mysql client libraries and header files. On ubuntu hardy, I
would get them with:

apt-get install mysql-common mysql-client libmysqlclient15-dev

On Jul 5, 6:00 am, Justin To [email protected] wrote:

I need to access MySQL with Ruby, but I keep running into all sorts of

Thanks for the help!

There is a pre-built gem for mysql-ruby for Windows (since It seems
you’re trying to get it running there).

gem install mysql and choose latests version (with mswin32 platform)
if you’re asked by rubygems.


Doesn’t seem to work, error with rdoc

On Jul 7, 1:52 am, Justin To [email protected] wrote:

Doesn’t seem to work, error with rdoc

It doesn’t say “1 gem installed” ?

Weird, I just had it installed :stuck_out_tongue:

D.\Users\Luis>gem install mysql
Successfully installed mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32…
Installing RDoc documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32…
ERROR: While generating documentation for mysql-2.7.3-x86-mswin32

But even with the documentation error, still is installed.