MySQL index question

I am trying to speed up some DB operations and perhaps have gone
with indexes. Does MySQL usually use only one index per query and
match keys on the results of the indexed first part? For example:

DELETE FROM tokens WHERE 6813946236211560448 <= fnv AND fnv <
6818449835838930944 AND updated_at<‘2010-06-20 14:08:55’ AND

If I understand correctly from the output of:

EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE 6813946236211560448 <= fnv AND fnv <
6818449835838930944 AND updated_at<‘2010-06-20 14:08:55’ AND

only the index on fnv is used (there are indexes on updated_at and

Is this correct?


On Jul 20, 3:12 pm, “Jeffrey L. Taylor” [email protected] wrote:

I am trying to speed up some DB operations and perhaps have gone overboard
with indexes. Does MySQL usually use only one index per query and simply
match keys on the results of the indexed first part? For example:

one one index will be used per table

Is this correct?
hard to say without said output :slight_smile:


Quoting Frederick C. [email protected]:

DELETE FROM tokens WHERE 6813946236211560448 <= fnv AND fnv < 6818449835838930944 AND updated_at<‘2010-06-20 14:08:55’ AND occurrences=0;
hard to say without said output :slight_smile:

mysql> EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE 6813946236211560448
<= fnv AND fnv < 6818449835838930944 AND updated_at<‘2010-06-20
14:08:55’ AND occurrences=0;
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
| 1 | SIMPLE | tokens | range | index_tokens_on_fnv_and_user_id,updated_at,occurrences | index_tokens_on_fnv_and_user_id | 8 | NULL | 6153 | Using where |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


| Note | 1003 | select amethyst_production.tokens.fnv AS fnv,amethyst_production.tokens.user_id AS user_id,amethyst_production.tokens.occurrences AS occurrences,amethyst_production.tokens.clicks AS clicks,amethyst_production.tokens.hides AS hides, AS ups,amethyst_production.tokens.downs AS downs,amethyst_production.tokens.expires AS expires,amethyst_production.tokens.token AS token,amethyst_production.tokens.created_at AS created_at,amethyst_production.tokens.updated_at AS updated_at from amethyst_production.tokens where ((amethyst_production.tokens.occurrences = 0) and (6813946236211560448 <= amethyst_production.tokens.fnv) and (amethyst_production.tokens.fnv < 6818449835838930944) and (amethyst_production.tokens.updated_at < _latin1’2010-06-20 14:08:55’))


On Jul 20, 3:55 pm, “Jeffrey L. Taylor” [email protected] wrote:

mysql> EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM tokens WHERE 6813946236211560448 <= fnv AND fnv < 6818449835838930944 AND updated_at<‘2010-06-20 14:08:55’ AND occurrences=0;
±—±------------±-------±------±------------------------------------- ------------------±--------------------------------±--------±-----±---- -±------------+
| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
±—±------------±-------±------±------------------------------------- ------------------±--------------------------------±--------±-----±---- -±------------+
| 1 | SIMPLE | tokens | range | index_tokens_on_fnv_and_user_id,updated_at,occurrences | index_tokens_on_fnv_and_user_id | 8 | NULL | 6153 | Using where |
±—±------------±-------±------±------------------------------------- ------------------±--------------------------------±--------±-----±---- -±------------+
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

Yup, that is just using the index on fnv.


Quoting Frederick C. [email protected]:

Yup, that is just using the index on fnv.


Thank you. Deleting the other indexes should speed up writes.
