Rails 3.1.0.rc8
I’m getting strange & unfortunately not consistently reproducible
errors. Because it happens more frequently w/ multiple simultaneous
clients, I suspect possibly some kind of transaction/locking issue,
but it’s unclear.
Every once in a while an INSERT will fail, and there’s no MySQL error
message given:
Mysql::Error: : INSERT INTO carts
, order_id
, user_id
) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
active_record/connection_adapters/mysql_adapter.rb:860:in `execute’
(typically after “Error:” there would be the text of the MySQL error:
note it’s blank)
The parameter list is valid, and usually contains only the cerated_at
and updated_id columns; user_id and order_id are null (which is
I expect it’s a problem with this app that I’ve inherited (in fact, it
looks like maybe it’s doing this insert twice in the context of one
client request), but it’s been hard to pin down since it’s not
consistently reproducible and there’s no MySQL error message.
Ring any bells for anyone?