Myrrha 1.1.0 Released

myrrha version 1.1.0 has been released!

Myrrha provides the coercion framework which is missing to Ruby, IMHO.

Myrrha provides the coercion framework which is missing to Ruby.
Coercions are
simply defined as a set of rules for converting values from source to
target domains
(in an abstract sense). As a typical and useful example, it comes
bundled with a
coerce() method providing a unique entry point for converting a string
to a
a boolean, a date, a time, an URI, and so on.


1.1.0 / 2011-07-28

Enhancements to coerce()

  • Added coercion rules from Symbol/String to Module/Class

    coerce("Integer", Class)          # => Integer
    coerce(:Integer, Class)           # => Integer
    coerce("Myrrha::Version", Module) # => Myrrha::Version
    [... and so on ...]
  • Added following coercion rules for Booleans

    coerce("true", TrueClass)         # => true
    coerce("false", FalseClass)       # => false
  • Added coercion rule from any Object to String through ruby String().
    that even with this coercion rule, coerce(nil, String) returns nil as
    rule has higher priority.

  • require(‘time’) is automatically issued when trying to coerce a String
    a Time. Time.parse is obviously needed.

  • Myrrha::Boolean (Boolean with core extensions) is now a sbyc domain
    below). Therefore, it is now a Class instance.

Enhancements to the general coercion mechanism

  • An optimistic coercion is tried when a rule is encountered whose
    domain is a super domain of the requested one. Coercion only succeeds
    the coerced value correctly belongs to the latter domain. Example:

    rules = Myrrha.coercions do |r|
      r.coercion String, Numeric, lambda{|s,t| Integer(s)}
    rules.coerce("12", Integer) # => 12 in 1.1.0 while it failed in 

rules.coerce(“12”, Float) # => Myrrha::Error

  • You can now specify a coercion path, through an array of domains. For
    example (completely contrived, of course):

    rules = Myrrha.coercions do |r|
      r.coercion String,  Symbol, lambda{|s,t| s.to_sym }
      r.coercion Float,   String, lambda{|s,t| s.to_s   }
      r.coercion Integer, Float,  lambda{|s,t| Float(s) }
      r.coercion Integer, Symbol, [Float, String]
    rules.coerce(12, Symbol)      # => :"12.0" as


  • You can now define domains through specialization by constraint (sbyc)
    classes, using Myrrha.domain:

    # Create a positive integer domain, as ... positive integers
    PosInt = Myrrha.domain(Integer){|i| i > 0 }

    Created domain is a real Class instance, that correctly responds to
    and :superclass. The feature is mainly introduced for supporting the
    kind of coercion scenarios (see README for more about this):

    rules = Myrrha.coercions do |r|
      r.coercion String, Integer, lambda{|s,t| Integer(s)}
    rules.coerce("12",  PosInt) # => 12
    rules.coerce("-12", PosInt) # => ArgumentError, "Invalid value -12 


Bug fixes

  • Fixed Coercions#dup when a set of rules has a main target domain. This
    the duplication of ToRubyLiteral rules, among others.