My experience of installing RMagick on windows

I am trying to install RMagick 2.1.0 on Windows XP. I already have
installed the required version of ImageMagick. Here are the steps I

  1. I tried the command “gem install rmagick”, I got this error message

checking for Ruby version >= 1.8.2… yes
checking for stdint.h… no
checking for sys/types.h… no
checking for magick/MagickCore.h… no
Can’t install RMagick 2.0.0. Can’t find MagickCore.h.

*** extconf.rb failed ***
Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of
necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more
details. You may need configuration options.

  1. I checked the “extconf.rb” file and I was astonished to see that the
    path for ImageMagick and Ruby were hard coded. This is really a very bad
    piece of coding.

$CPPFLAGS = %Q{-I"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for
Windows Server 2003 R2\Include" -I"C:\Program

The /link option is required by the Makefile but causes warnings in

the mkmf.log file.
$LDFLAGS = %Q{/link /LIBPATH:“C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform
SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\Lib” /LIBPATH:“C:\Program
Files\ImageMagick-#{$1}-Q8\lib” /LIBPATH:“C:\ruby\lib”}
$LOCAL_LIBS = ‘CORE_RL_magick_.lib X11.lib’

  1. I do not have ImageMagick and Ruby on these paths so I changed the
    paths and tried to run the extconf.rb file manually. But it gave me the
    same error.

Can someone please help me installing RMagick for windows?


Irfan Ahmad wrote:

checking for magick/MagickCore.h… no

  1. I do not have ImageMagick and Ruby on these paths so I changed the
    paths and tried to run the extconf.rb file manually. But it gave me the
    same error.

Can someone please help me installing RMagick for windows?


This is the first result on Google for rmagick+install+windows

Irfan Ahmad wrote:


This is the first result on Google for rmagick+install+windows

Thanks for your response. I did had lot of googling before posting here
and I have checked this page too. But I think these FAQs are a bit
outdated. RMagick no longer come as a package of ImageMagick and RMagick
gem. They are distributing the RMagick gem only. Please have a look at

“They” is me. The FAQ pages are up to date as of the last time I
uploaded an gem for Windows, about 3 weeks ago.

There are two RMagick gems, the plain RMagick gem for Linux, OS X, and
other *nix-type systems, and the RMagick-win32 gem for Windows. The
RMagick-win32 gem comes in a zip file that contains both the ImageMagick
installer and the RMagick gem. Download the zip file, unzip it into a
temporary directory, and follow the instructions in the README.html
file. It’ll work, I promise. Download

if you want to install RMagick 2.0.0, or

if you want to install RMagick 1.15.12. I believe you’ll want 2.0.0.

Tim H. wrote:

Irfan Ahmad wrote:


This is the first result on Google for rmagick+install+windows

Thanks for your response. I did had lot of googling before posting here
and I have checked this page too. But I think these FAQs are a bit
outdated. RMagick no longer come as a package of ImageMagick and RMagick
gem. They are distributing the RMagick gem only. Please have a look at

“They” is me. The FAQ pages are up to date as of the last time I
uploaded an gem for Windows, about 3 weeks ago.

There are two RMagick gems, the plain RMagick gem for Linux, OS X, and
other *nix-type systems, and the RMagick-win32 gem for Windows. The
RMagick-win32 gem comes in a zip file that contains both the ImageMagick
installer and the RMagick gem. Download the zip file, unzip it into a
temporary directory, and follow the instructions in the README.html
file. It’ll work, I promise. Download

if you want to install RMagick 2.0.0, or

if you want to install RMagick 1.15.12. I believe you’ll want 2.0.0.

I have installed 2.0.0 successfully. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

They problem was probably that I was trying to install 2.1.0 for my
already installed ImageMagick.

Thats right i did it too and works so good!!

Tim H. wrote:

Irfan Ahmad wrote:

checking for magick/MagickCore.h… no

  1. I do not have ImageMagick and Ruby on these paths so I changed the
    paths and tried to run the extconf.rb file manually. But it gave me the
    same error.

Can someone please help me installing RMagick for windows?


This is the first result on Google for rmagick+install+windows

Thanks for your response. I did had lot of googling before posting here
and I have checked this page too. But I think these FAQs are a bit
outdated. RMagick no longer come as a package of ImageMagick and RMagick
gem. They are distributing the RMagick gem only. Please have a look at