My argument constraints are not working

describe “pretending to crawl craigslist.” do

before do
@html_start = RAILS_ROOT + “/spec/fixtures/feeds/
start_page.html” )
@response_start = mock_model( Net::HTTP, :body =>
@html_start, :nil? => false )
@hawlee_start =, nil, 0)
@htgrep =

it “my get method get_it should be called at least once and return a
fake response.” do

Here is the Error I’m getting (reformatted for easier reading):

Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ‘Htgrep Define a blacklist
function that inputs a url and returns true or false. If true, the
page is on the blacklist and shouldn’t be crawled: Hawler’s get_it
method should be called with okay.html at least once.’

Mock ‘Hawler’ expected :get_it with


#<Hawlee:0x2f0817c @analyze=false, @referer=nil, @uri=#<URI::HTTP:
0x1784640 URL:>,
@harvest=false, @depth=0, @get=false, @head=false>)

but received it with

(#<URI::HTTP:0x177ad66 URL:

#<Hawlee:0x2ef575c @analyze=false, @referer=nil, @uri=#<URI::HTTP:
0x177ad66 URL:>,
@harvest=false, @depth=0, @get=false, @head=false>)

I think argument constraints use “==” to see if the argument
expectation works. Is that right? So, I made a method called “==”
for Hawlee which just compares the enclosed URI object. And I tested
to make sure this == operator works as expected.

Anyway, my argument constraint is not matching but I’m pretty sure
it’s being called correctly. Does anybody have an idea of what is
going wrong here?

Thank you for your suggestions,
David :slight_smile:

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 9:23 PM, David B.
[email protected] wrote:

page is on the blacklist and shouldn’t be crawled: Hawler’s get_it
but received it with
I think argument constraints use “==” to see if the argument
expectation works. Is that right? So, I made a method called “==”
for Hawlee which just compares the enclosed URI object. And I tested
to make sure this == operator works as expected.

Can you please post that test?

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 1:13 PM, David B.
[email protected] wrote:

Here is the test.

I just meant the test for this: “And I tested to make sure this ==
operator works as expected.”

That’s the one I want to see.

Here is the test. I’m kind of a newbie at writing tests, so it could
just be a newbie mistake. (FYI, “bawal” means “prohibited” in Tagalog
c.f. bawal.html below):

describe "Define a blacklist function that inputs a url and returns
true or false. If true, the page is on the blacklist and shouldn’t be
crawled: " do

before do

  # Create the fake webpages
  @html_start = RAILS_ROOT +

“/spec/fixtures/feeds/start_page.html” )
@html_okay = RAILS_ROOT +
“/spec/fixtures/feeds/okay.html” )
@html_bawal = RAILS_ROOT +
“/spec/fixtures/feeds/bawal.html” )

  # Create the fake HTTP response objects for each webpage.
  @response_start = mock_model( Net::HTTP, :body => @html_start,

:nil? => false )
@response_okay = mock_model( Net::HTTP, :body => @html_okay,
:nil? => false )
@response_bawal = mock_model( Net::HTTP, :body => @html_bawal,
:nil? => false )

  # Create fake URL strings as names of the webpages.
  @url_start = ""
  @url_okay = ""
  @url_bawal = ""

  # Create the Ruby URI versions of the string URLs
  @uri_start = URI.parse(@url_start)
  @uri_okay = URI.parse(@url_okay)
  @uri_bawal = URI.parse(@url_bawal)

  # Create fake Hawlee instances for each page.
  @hawlee_start =, nil, 0)
  @hawlee_okay =, nil, 0)
  @hawlee_bawal =, nil, 0)

@hawlee_start = mock_model( Hawlee, :uri => @uri_start, :referer

=> nil)

@hawlee_okay = mock_model( Hawlee, :uri => @uri_okay, :referer

=> @hawlee_start)

@hawlee_bawal = mock_model( Hawlee, :uri => @uri_bawal,

:referer => @hawlee_start)

  # Create the fake Htgrep instance
  @htgrep =

  # Create the Hawler instance that will be used by @htgrep
  @hawler =, @htgrep.method(:process_page),





  # Assign the partial Hawler mock to be contained by the Htgrep 

@htgrep.hawler = @hawler

  # Make sure that they pages are always considered to be onsite.

  # Make return the hawler stub that we created.
  # If we don't do this, a new Hawler will be created in

Htgrep#start for every site in site_list.

  # Skip peeking at it with HEAD.

  # Make sure that the HARVEST step is not skipped.


it "Hawler's get_it method should be called with okay.html at

least once." do


Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError in ‘Htgrep Define a blacklist
function that inputs a url and returns true or false. If true, the
page is on the blacklist and shouldn’t be crawled: Hawler’s get_it
method should be called with okay.html at least once.’
Mock ‘Hawler’ expected :get_it with
(#Spec::Mocks::AnyArgConstraint:0x2ef093c, #<Hawlee:0x2f02088
@harvest=false, @depth=0, @uri=#<URI::HTTP:0x1781436
URL:>, @get=false,
@analyze=false, @head=false, @referer=nil>) but received it with
URL:>, #<Hawlee:0x2eef488
@harvest=false, @depth=0, @uri=#<URI::HTTP:0x1777bfc
URL:>, @get=false,
@analyze=false, @head=false, @referer=nil>)
hawl' /Users/dbit/Sites/scraper/vendor/plugins/hawler/lib/hawler.rb:129:in start’
/Users/dbit/Sites/scraper/app/models/htgrep.rb:47:in start' /Users/dbit/Sites/scraper/app/models/htgrep.rb:43:in each’
/Users/dbit/Sites/scraper/app/models/htgrep.rb:43:in `start’

Well, it turns out I was right… it was a newbie error.

As soon as I wrote the test that you suggested:

describe Hawlee, “make sure the == works” do
it “Two Hawlees should be the same if their uri is the same.” do
@hawlee1 = URI.parse(“”), nil, 0)
@hawlee2 = URI.parse(“”),
“stuff”, 1)
@hawlee1.should ==(@hawlee2)

…I found my error. I didn’t write my Hawlee#== function
correctly. I thought I had tested it, but I didn’t.

So, we were both right: I’m a newbie, and Chelim-baby is the man.


David :slight_smile:

Devs, can we update the website and change all references to “David
Chelimsky” to be “Chelim-baby” please? Should I post a ticket?

On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 1:57 PM, David B.
[email protected] wrote:


…I found my error. I didn’t write my Hawlee#== function
correctly. I thought I had tested it, but I didn’t.

Did you fix that and get it all working?

Yeah, I think so. The test that wasn’t passing passed. I’ll look at
it in more detail later. Thanks for asking.
D :slight_smile: