Multiply Const block

I’m using the Mutliply Const block in my flow graph. IO type: complex
and Constant: x+yj. I used 2 sliders to adjust x and y values. But only
the slider for x values works. The slider for y values does not work and
get the system to crash. Can anyone help me understand this?

On 09/04/2012 10:21 AM, guelord ingala wrote:

Hi, I’m using the Mutliply Const block in my flow graph. IO type:
complex and Constant: x+yj. I used 2 sliders to adjust x and y
values. But only the slider for x values works. The slider for y
values does not work and get the system to crash. Can anyone help me
understand this? Regards.

This should work, I think I have even done it before… hmmm

Can you attach the test code that demonstrates the problem? GRC
flowgraph or python file?
