Multiplicate values of 2 textfields in a multi model form

Hi all,

I tried to multiplicate two form fields in a tablerow just to inform the
user and without bothering the server. I’m sure this seems to be a
simple javascript problem, but all I got running was the following

<% fields_for "offer[offer_item_attributes][]", itemtablerow do |f| %> <%= f.text_field :pos_number, :size => 2, :index => nil %> <%= f.collection_select :study_id, Study.find(:all), :id, :index => nil %> <%= f.text_area :description, :index => nil %> <%= f.text_field :amount, :class => 'amount', :size => 7, :index => nil %> <%= f.text_field :price, :class => 'price', :size => 7, :index => nil %> <%= link_to_function 'product', "alert(parseFloat($(this).up('.itemtablerow').down('.price').getValue()) * parseFloat($(this).up('.itemtablerow').down('.amount').getValue()))"%>

How can I multiplicate the ‘price’ and the ‘amount’ fields and show the
product “onChange” in the tablerow?

Thanks in advance,