Multiple text_field_with_auto_complete in IE/Opera

I have a text_field_with_auto_complete in each row of my /list table.
I use the autocomplete box in a row to update info in that row. I
noticed that all of them get the same id and name attributes (user_uid
and user[uid]). This doesn’t cause a problem in firefox 1.5 on windows.
However on IE 6/Opera 9 I can only get autocomplete in the first box,
and that box on :after_update_element affects all the rows. In firefox
this is working flawlessly (though I wonder how, since ids are all the

The obvious solution is to give different id to each. That breaks the
autocomplete totally, as it is expecting id to be user_uid. My
:after_update_element correctly refers to a the corresponding row’s

I searched and read a lot but couldn’t find a solution. I’ll be very
grateful if you people have any pointers/help.
