I was working on this a couple of months back and could not figure out
what I was doing wrong. I came back to it today and wanted to post
again to see if any of you had an idea. Here is the problem.
I have this code:
<%= options_from_collection_for_select(@rflists, "id", "keyword", @selected) %>The field I am storing is called RepFor in the myrep table. The
options for the dropdown comes from a keyword table that have an id
and name. The options I want have been fed into rflists. This all
works good and displays properly with a multiple select dropdown with
the proper names and values. Here is the html it renders:
So if I select Car Insurance, Home Insurance and Technology and submit
it this is what gets written to the DB. Exactly as shown below.
— - “1808” - “1809” - “1810”
When I reopen the form nothing is selected.
Now if I manually set @selected in my code as follows it selects the
items I have forced when I reopen the form:
<% @selected = 1808, 1809, 1810 %>
<%= options_from_collection_for_select(@rflists, “id”, “keyword”,
@selected) %>
My question is what do I need to do to make the select write the data
to the DB the same way I set it in @selected. Is there something that
has to be done in the controller to keep it from being written as
— - “1808” - “1809” - “1810”
or do I need to do something special when reading it back?
Thanks for your help.