Multiple renderings of Partials

This is what I see in the developer log

Processing ProductsController#display_variant_parameters (for at 2009-03-18 17:50:25) [POST] Session ID: 33b195edc7a6946365ae55efe5e349dd Parameters: {"authenticity_token"=>"bc18fccde1f10c5f100e78adbbac88c2f6c535b3", "product"=>{"product_category_id"=>"7"}, "action"=>"display_variant_parameters", "controller"=>"products"} [4;36;1mUser Columns (0.008000) [0m [0;1mSHOW FIELDS FROM `users` [0m [4;35;1mUser Load (0.006000) [0m [0mSELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 1) LIMIT 1 [0m 7 Rendered products/_product_variant_parameter (0.00400) Rendered products/_product_variant_parameter (0.00000) Rendered products/_product_variant_parameter (0.00100) Rendered products/_product_variant_parameter (0.00100) Completed in 0.04100 (24 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00900 (21%) | DB: 0.01400 (34%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/products/ display_variant_parameters]
Why is the _product_variant_parameter partials getting rendered 4
times ?

My controller code is as follows. For simplicity sake, I have replaced
the original business logic with a hardcoded hash. The behavior is the

[code=]def display_variant_parameters


“action”=>“display_variant_parameters”, “controller”=>“products”} params[:product][:product_category_id]
@variants_params_hash = {1 => “password0”,
“adi” => “password1”,
“aaron” => “password2” }
@variants_params_hash.merge({“sam1” => “password3”})
@variants_params_hash.merge!({“sam2” => “password3”})
render :partial => “product_variant_parameter”, :collection =>
The same is invoked on change of the select box

[code=] <%=
@product_categories = ProductCategory.find(:all, :order =>
“title” )
@product_categories, :id, :title , {:prompt => true},
{:onchange =>remote_function(:update =>
:url => { :action => :display_variant_parameters},
:with => ‘Form.Element.serialize(this)’)
} )


The controller is not invoked multiple times. It is only the rendering
of the partials, as per the development log. This is just driving me
crazy for the last 3 days

On Mar 19, 1:03 am, Guha [email protected] wrote:

This is what I see in the developer log

@variants_params_hash = {1 => “password0”,
“adi” => “password1”,
“aaron” => “password2” }
@variants_params_hash.merge({“sam1” => “password3”})
@variants_params_hash.merge!({“sam2” => “password3”})
render :partial => “product_variant_parameter”, :collection =>

You’ve got a collection with 4 elements in it and you’re asking rails
to render the partial for each element in the collection. Why is it a
surprise that that partial is rendered 4 times ?
