Is is alright to have two installations of nginx on the same machine?
I have a running instance of nginx with php installed from distribution
package manager.
Instead of writing another config, I would like to compile and install
nginx from source code and run as second instance.
The second instance is to optimize for load balancing, reverse proxy,
cache and modsecurity.
My concerns is would this break the system on debian squeeze?
Thanks for answering.
Edwin L.
you could specify the configure file by -c option or even specify prefix
and could compile anther nginx instance by --prefix configure option
2013/8/18 Edwin L. [email protected]
On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 16:08 +0800, Edwin L. wrote:
Edwin L.
nginx mailing list
[email protected]
nginx Info Page
Yes, it’s perfectly ok to do so. Make sure you’re installing into a
separate location ( eg /usr/local ), and you’ll need a separate startup
You cannot share port/ip address pairs though.
Steve H. BSc(Hons) MIITP
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/in/steveholdoway
Skype: sholdowa