Multiple Models in one form

I have had the worst time getting my forms to accept input for more
than one model. I tried using accepts_nested, and other techniques
and finally got it all working. But it was not fun. I never did get
accepts_nested working!

I do need more experience.

I did hit upon one idea that I just wanted to run by the community.
Let me know what you think.

If you have one form that will need to send values to several
models… how about creating a “Form” model with generic attributes.
This “Form” model could for example have fields integer1:integer,
integer2:integer … etc… and have fields string1:string,
string2:string… etc…

You would build a “Form” model that could handle any form in your

Then you just collect the values into this “Form” model… after they
are in you just assign them to all your other models. No need to go
crazy with all those parameters[][:this][:that].

It for sure may not be the MOST efficient way to deal with the
database, but it can’t be that bad.



“slindsey3000” [email protected] wrote
in message
news:[email protected]

I have had the worst time getting my forms to accept input for more
than one model. I tried using accepts_nested, and other techniques
and finally got it all working. But it was not fun. I never did get
accepts_nested working!

To help you get accepts_nested working, since that is so much easier
the alternatives if you can get it working, please watch the following

If you have a strong aversion to watching a screencast, you may instead
substitue the asciicast:

That should be enough to get accepts_nested_attributes_for working, at
in the way it was intended to work.

If you have further questions after watching that, please let us know.

The next railscast/asciicast covers a bit more of the topic, but is
not relevant for your purposes, as it sounds like you plan on having
say a single subform per child model.

I hope that helps. If not please try following along with it, so you get
confortable with how it is used in that case, and then ask any more

Perhaps you want to post attributes for a parent model to a child model.
That is tricker, and something we could help you with.

slindsey3000 wrote:

I have had the worst time getting my forms to accept input for more
than one model. I tried using accepts_nested, and other techniques
and finally got it all working. But it was not fun. I never did get
accepts_nested working!

accepts_nested works very easily. If you can tell us what problems
you’re having, I’m sure we can help.

I do need more experience.

I did hit upon one idea that I just wanted to run by the community.
Let me know what you think.

If you have one form that will need to send values to several
models… how about creating a “Form” model with generic attributes.
This “Form” model could for example have fields integer1:integer,
integer2:integer … etc… and have fields string1:string,
string2:string… etc…

You would build a “Form” model that could handle any form in your

Then you just collect the values into this “Form” model… after they
are in you just assign them to all your other models. No need to go
crazy with all those parameters[][:this][:that].

Bad idea. Beside the conceptual wrongness, the resulting params hash
will be harder to work with (because the names won’t be descriptive),
not easier. If you want to do soething like this properly, check out
the Presenter pattern.

It for sure may not be the MOST efficient way to deal with the
database, but it can’t be that bad.

It is that bad. Don’t even bother.


Learn the framework, don’t fight it and kludge your way around it.



Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

Thanks all!


If you’re doing something in Rails and it’s “not fun” then chances are
you can be doing it a better way!

Using accepts_nested with appropriate relationship declarations will
eliminate going “crazy with all those parameters[][:this][:that]”.

I highly recommend you work with accepts_nested. There are plenty of
resources out there to help you along the way. It will bring back the
