Multiple input record, single model (without nested model)

hello everyone, I’m new to rails
i have some question thats been quite a headache to me, so here it is:

for example i have this controller & view


class OrdersController < ApplicationController

def new
@Order =

def create
@Order =[:order])
flash[:notice] = “Successfully created order.”
redirect_to @Order
render :action => ‘new’


<% title “Menu Order” %>
<%= form_for @Order do |f| %>
<%= f.error_messages %>

<%= f.label :name%>
<%= f.text_field :name, %>

<%= f.label :menu_order %>
<%= f.text_field :menu_order %>

<%= f.submit %>

my question is :
before displaying the form above, I want to have a text_field_tag that
specify how many forms (roughly said, duplicate the form div) I want to
generate based on count, and then insert the data to the database

This is similar to ryan bates railscasts but they don’t meet my
requirement, i want to use single model, not nested.

the idea is to speed things up, so that the user don’t have to input the
data only one at a time, but multiple record at single submit

how do i do that?

Any suggestions and solutions will be much appreciated

thanks before :slight_smile:

On Jul 4, 2011, at 2:48 AM, just-a-noob wrote:

def create
@Order =[:order])
flash[:notice] = “Successfully created order.”
redirect_to @Order
render :action => ‘new’

Rails (and Ruby) expect instance variables to begin with a lower-case
letter. This may be working for you anyway, but I thought I’d point
out that @Order and @order mean fundamentally different things.

<%= f.text_field :name, %>

that specify how many forms (roughly said, duplicate the form div) I
want to generate based on count, and then insert the data to the
database simultaneously,
This is similar to ryan bates railscasts but they don’t meet my
requirement, i want to use single model, not nested.
the idea is to speed things up, so that the user don’t have to input
the data only one at a time, but multiple record at single submit
how do i do that?
Any suggestions and solutions will be much appreciated
thanks before :slight_smile:

You’re going to need to shift your new and create methods around to
create and expect an array of orders rather than a single order. This
may be very difficult, since it is essentially swimming upstream
against Rails’ conventions. You might get a lot more mileage out of
creating a new wrapper model, like Cart, and having it
accept_nested_attributes_for :orders. You can follow the Railscast
that way, which works most excellently. (There are a couple of books
when you build it in Rails 3, mostly to do with the JavaScript stuff
because you’ll get double-escaped output if you follow it precisely.
Remember that h is implicit in erb templates now, and you have to mark
the stuff you don’t want escaped with .html_safe.)
