Multiple Databases w/ RoR 4.2

Hi, all -

I’m prototyping a large application which will eventually have multiple
open connections to MySQL and Neo4j data persist stores (aka databases).
would also like to maintain the existing development/test/prod switch

How can I configure this, or where would I start to patch?

If you want to have separate models for MySQL and Neo4j, look into the
Neo4j gem, GitHub - neo4jrb/activegraph: An active model wrapper for the Neo4j Graph Database for Ruby.. It provides
ActiveRecord-like modules that let you build Neo4j models and work with
the database easily. It has a great community and development on the gem
is very active.

If you want to make it easy for ActiveRecord models to pull from Neo4j,
you can look into writing methods in your AR models that pull from Neo
using Neo4j-core, GitHub - neo4jrb/neo4j-core: A simple unified API that can access both the server and embedded Neo4j database. Used by the neo4j gem. It requires a
lot more knowledge of the database, though, it’s really just an API
wrapper with some helper methods to make certain basic tasks easier.

You can post on StackOverflow, open issues, or email any of the
maintainers if you need a hand.

Thanks, Chris, I appreciate the support.

I’ve gotten further and now have the ActiveNode component from Neo4j
installed. I’m still working on getting multiple RDBMS connections
going, but I realized that what I can do is to have separate Rails
installs on distinct VMs for the portions of the code that need to use
distinct databases. I can use Ruby or C++ daemons to transfer data from
one RDBMS to another, and I can mash together UI components as needed in
the browser.