Multiple Characters Negate Using Regexp

Dear experts,

I am trying to build a regular expression to filter out anything
between <script … > and tags where I can specify something
using negate class to exclude more than one character in sequence.

I tried:


but obviously if the script has the character < before then
my regexp breaks.

I also tried:

but it doesn’t work

Can anyone guide me on how I can specify multiple character negation?
I will greatly appreciate it.

Is this even possible? How else can I remove everything contained
between tags?


Is it possible to specify a multiple line regular expression?

Thanks for your assistance.

Can you restate your original problem a bit better? Are you wanting to
delete everything between the tags?

If so, I think this expression should work (famous last words :slight_smile:

/(< script.?>).*?(</ *script *>)/

I tried it like this:

irb(main):001:0> “hello there”.gsub(/(<
script.?>).*?(</ *script *>)/,‘’)
=> “hello there”


softwareengineer 99 wrote:

Is it possible to specify a multiple line regular expression?

yes, just put ‘m’ after it, e.g.






I recommend /<script([^>]+)>.*?</script>/

Adding the ? after the * makes it un-greedy, so it will match the
first following tag, as in the following example.

irb(main):001:0> s = “I have a don’cha know :)”
=> “I have a don’cha know
irb(main):002:0> r = /<script([^>]+)>.?</script>/
=> /<script([^>]+)>.
irb(main):003:0> s.gsub(r,’’)
=> “I have a don’cha know :)”

  • Jamie