A blog post describing a plugin I put together this morning to permit
multiple auto_complete helpers on the same page.
A blog post describing a plugin I put together this morning to permit
multiple auto_complete helpers on the same page.
_Kevin wrote:
A blog post describing a plugin I put together this morning to permit
multiple auto_complete helpers on the same page.http://www.sciwerks.com/blog/2006/09/25/multiple_auto_complete_plugin/
This is intresting. I have multiple auto_complete’s running on the same
page without any issues. You can also see an example of multiples
running here:
Leo S. wrote:
running here:
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Yeah, I need to clarify that a bit.
multiple auto_complete tags work fine until you try to get two that
access the same model/attribute combination, then you get into trouble.
This can happen if you have a form that requires multiple entries of
the same type.
auto_complete_for :object, :method
generates a method that tries to access Object.method. If object is
‘object_1’, then it will fail because it can’t find that model.
text_field_for_auto_complete fires off an AJAX request to
‘on_auto_complete_for_object_method’. If you specify do this…
<%= text_field_for_auto_complete :object_1, :method %> then it tries to
hit a non-existent method in the controller.
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