Multipart form posted failed in IIS 7

Hopefully I can explain it well:

I am testing a rails app in IIS 7.
(Windows 7, IIS 7, .NET 3.5, Rails 2.3.5, Rack 1.0, IronRuby 1.0,
IronRack compiled from IronRuby 1.0 source from github)

Now If I add enctype=“multipart/form-data” to my rails form, and then
post this form to a controller, all I got is a 500 error page, no error
messages written to Rack or Rails logs. It works fine if I remove
multipart option.

Anyone got similar problems?



Finally the error was written into the rails log:

Status: 500 Internal Server Error
bad content body
parse_multipart' C:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-1.0.1/lib/rack/request.rb:132:inPOST’
call' C:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/params_parser.rb:15:incall’
call' C:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.3.5/lib/action_controller/failsafe.rb:26:incall’
call' C:/ironruby/lib/ironruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-1.0.1/lib/rack/lock.rb:11:insynchronize’

What puzzled me is why it is working when just use rackup, but not in

Jack Hong wrote:

Hopefully I can explain it well:

I am testing a rails app in IIS 7.
(Windows 7, IIS 7, .NET 3.5, Rails 2.3.5, Rack 1.0, IronRuby 1.0,
IronRack compiled from IronRuby 1.0 source from github)

Now If I add enctype=“multipart/form-data” to my rails form, and then
post this form to a controller, all I got is a 500 error page, no error
messages written to Rack or Rails logs. It works fine if I remove
multipart option.

Anyone got similar problems?

