Multilingual model content


I’m looking for some insight in a small problem I have. I allready
posted this in the Rails I18n forum, but didn’t got any respond, so
maybe it was just the wrong forum.

I need multilingual input in my models. Lets say you have a Product
model. That product contains title, description and price. The price is
allways the same, but the title and description need to be inputted in
diffrent languages.

I have used the I18n framework build in Rails, so no external plugin and
I would like to keep it that way.

One idea I was playing with is the following model build:




language -> I18n code like EN, BE, FR

But how do I link those 2 together, so that I can show the product
details in the current user language?

Is there a way to pass a variable trough the Product association like

has_one :product_language, :class_name => :product_i18n, :conditions =>
“language = users_current_language_code”

I know I’m on the good track, but I know I’m missing something.

thank you for the insight

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Michael R.
[email protected] wrote:

I need multilingual input in my models. Lets say you have a Product
model. That product contains title, description and price. The price is
allways the same, but the title and description need to be inputted in
diffrent languages.

I wrote a plugin to solve the same problem you have.

Hope that helps.

Francesc E. wrote:

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 8:56 AM, Michael R.
[email protected] wrote:

I need multilingual input in my models. Lets say you have a Product
model. That product contains title, description and price. The price is
allways the same, but the title and description need to be inputted in
diffrent languages.

I wrote a plugin to solve the same problem you have.

Hope that helps.

Hi Francesc,

it looked good till I started reading further. I saw that you need to
define every language that you want to support in your attributes. The
thing I wanted to do is make sure that the list of supported languages
is dynamic.

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Michael R.
[email protected] wrote:

it looked good till I started reading further. I saw that you need to
define every language that you want to support in your attributes. The
thing I wanted to do is make sure that the list of supported languages
is dynamic.

In that case maybe the translate_column plugin by Sam Lown may work for


I’m going to take a look at the RailsTranslateColumnsPlugin. Maybe I can
get some ideas from there.

Hi Michael,

if you want to have dynamic language support the best choice may be:

or (better)

and if you want the versions for your translations:

The only problem with these plugins is that you can’t have the control
of the translation model (eg.: you cannot have an upload field on
translations model, it is difficult to apply constraints on translations
model, etc.), but if your goal is simply translating string fields these
plugins are great !

Taking a look at the code, maintenance and test coverage in my opinion
it’s a better solution than translate_columns.

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Michael R.

Francesc E. wrote:

Taking a look at the code, maintenance and test coverage in my opinion
it’s a better solution than translate_columns.

On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 9:31 AM, Michael R.


indeed, its looks tidy and support rails i18n. Thank for the input! :slight_smile: