Multilingual Email Within UserObserver?


I have a beta testing program for a multilingual webapp using globalite.
People register on the website in english or in french.

I use a UserObserver from acts_as_authenticated plugin that send an
email with an activation code to validate registration.
Depending on which language… I need to send the good email.

Using the after_create within UserObserver, is there a way to pass the
language variable in the model or do I need to setup this in the

Or is there any other way to achieve this beside sending a multilingual
email hehe.

Thx a lot for your time and advises.



Robby R. has a pretty good blog
this subject – sending email from controllers vs. models. Please read
the comments as well as there’s a lot of helpful discussion going on
I think I’m going with sending emails from the controller, which in your
case would make it easier to send email in different languages. However,
you prefer to send the email from your observer, a solution could be to
store the user’s language in the user model.

Hope this helps.


2010/3/24 Hugues B. [email protected]

Hi Lasse,
Thank you. It might help.